Biography 中文 | EN

Zhenzhong Kuang is currently with School of Computer Science and Technology, in Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU). His research mainly focuses on computer vision, machine learning and privacy protection, visual recognition and privacy protection. He has more than 30 journal and conference publications and received best paper awards for IEEE ICME, CAD/Graphics and excellent Ph.D. thesis award from China Graphics Society. He serverd as reviewer for a number of journals and conferences, including IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TIP, IEEE TMM, IEEE TCDS, Information Sciences, Neurocomputing, ACM Multimedia, ACM ICMR, etc.


Jul. 2021
One paper submitted to ACM MM 2021 (CCF Rank A) was accepted
Mar. 2019
One Paper Submitted to IEEE Trans. Multimedia 2019 was accepted.

